“You never stop training your whole life, and there's always something you work on, and there's always something that you can do, and it's like this constant uphill battle almost, but I really enjoy it because, you know, it's so... it's just interesting to... to uncover your own body and really get in tune with it. And also, the physics of your body paired with the artistry and the grace is just so satisfying. The only thing that you can say about dance is that it's painful, but it's so satisfying. It literally hurts, but we keep doing it because it's great, and you're so satisfied. I had a grand scheme when I was maybe 10 about what I thought I was going to do, but that went out the window when I found out I love to do this thing called ballet. But I'm very grateful because not only have I found something that I love, but I've also learned that plans change, and I've learned to accept that plans change which before, I could never do. I was very, you know, controlling. I don't like to not know what's going to happen, but I have come to terms with the fact that good things can happen by surprise - like me finding dance.”

